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Strength and Stability

Product image 1Strength and Stability
Product image 2Strength and Stability
Product image 3Strength and Stability

Our client's Aunt and Uncle were her role models and mentors throughout her entire life.

"By having you create this ring for me you have brought me a personal representation of strength, stability, mentorship and love that I can carry with me every day for the rest of my life. My Aunts wedding band, the yellow gold with the diamonds and my Uncles ring passed down to him from his father, my Great Uncle who served in the WW2, the rose gold, combined with my love for white gold are the perfect tribute to to the past, the present and the future.

My ring represents everything that I was looking for.  It has brought two people that are dear to my heart back together and now I can have them with me everywhere I go."

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